HighLight Lamp Surveys

Loading a Survey

From the main display panel, select Network Surveys.

Select the Survey Style to be run, in this instance select 'Network Asset Class Survey'.

A warning message will appear regarding the GPS Signal, select 'Yes' to start GPS Tracking. (See HighLight GPS Settings for further details on how HighLight handles the GPS). This will open the HighLight Asset Survey Panel.

To begin the survey to be carried out, the survey must be loaded to the device. To do this use the Menu's at the bottom of the display.

HighLight will give a series of prompts, select the appropriate survey options required: 

This opens the survey showing lamp assets on the left and right fields of the display corresponding to the Left verge and right central reservation.

The panel displays shows the following:

To begin the survey, select 'Start Survey' from the Survey Menu Item. The survey will begin scrolling from the bottom up (previous selection option), checking off the lamps as the drive through is progressed. The default is OK, however at any point, left or right lamp assets can be tagged with 'Out' or 'Missing' as shown below.

The survey will continue until either the end of the survey or the survey is suspended or stopped by the user from the Menu Item 'Survey'.

Details Command Button

On a Walk through survey (detailed inspection), HighLight can record such details using the prompt mechanisms (pre-configured list). By selecting the first item on the prompt list - 'Specify Lamp Work Undertaken', HighLight will take the user throough a series of prompt options to record information regarding the asset.


Select Lamp Work Undertaken, multiple selections are permitted.

The inspections are catagorized as below.

If Poor or Critical condition is selected, HighLight will prompt the user for more specific information.

All items will be prompted in sequence until the form is completed. Selecting 'Cancel' will go back to the main inspection screen for the asset.